Complet Clothing, Slink Shoes High, and complete acessories 1L **Brii Underground Wear**

New clothes differents colors Free (Group Gift) Group $ 100L  ::. Smel Creations Main Store .:: 
New Hair differents colors(no free) ::. Smel Creations Main Store .::

Mini Dress (Group Gift) HYPNOSE
Shoes Slink High (Group Gift) The Group's News MG Fashion SL
Mesh Head (Group Gift) .:JUMO:. Fashion
Chic Bag (Group Gift) SHEY SHOES Relax

Full clothing, Slink Shoes High , glasses and complete acessories 

Bikini Pink Smel Creations 
included appliers for:
Baby Bump
Omega Combo
Phat Azz
Ghetto Booty
Lolas Tango
slink Physique
Beach Bag (Bikini Strass Pink)  Smel Creations
Diva Sunglasses Tiffany Designs 
Birdy. Puggly Dog Park Avenue Gacha

Clothing and Handbag (Group Gift) GABRIEL
Shoes Slink  (Group Gift) .: LIKE DESIGN :.
Hair (Group Gift) DANSELFLY